Red Light Emotions

Understanding Red Light Emotions

January 26, 20254 min read

In the world of mindset and manifestation, the standing principle is that if you can harness your thoughts (specially shift them so they are more positive) then you can change your reality.

While it is true that our reality is a mirror of our thoughts and perspectives, the drawback of this approach is that it can sometimes feel impossible to identify what our thoughts or perspectives are at any one time.

According to research, the average person has approximately 60,000 thoughts per day. But what is truly concerning is that 75% of these thoughts are negative, and 95% are repetitive.

What's even more frustrating, is that most of these thoughts are subconscious and occur beyond our conscious grasp.

Which then begs the question - how can we reach for more positive thoughts when most of these occur beyond our level of awareness?

Hypnotherapy is one form of modality that aims to rectify this but again, it is a daunting and also expensive exercise to have to get hypnotised every single time we encounter challenges in our lives.

The truth is that you are already equipped with a tool that allows you to quickly identify what your thoughts and perspectives are at any given moment, and this tool is called emotions.

Emotions are the result of synaptic connections that occur in the brain, a chemical response that is subsequently flushed through your body.

They communicate to you what perspectives and beliefs you hold at any given time.

And they are very easy to discern.

Emotions that feel bad in the body (ie: deplete us of energy), such as depression, anger, shame and frustration are what I like to call red light emotions.

On the flip side, emotions that feel good in the body (ie: they energise you), such as play and gratitude are called green light emotions.

Green light emotions communicate to you that you are thinking thoughts and holding perspectives that align with your creative desires. What you desire to create is always an enhanced state of wellbeing.

Red light emotions communicate that you are holding perspectives or thoughts that no longer support your creative intentions. They feel bad in the body because they aim to "wake you up" and pay attention to the thoughts directing the emotional states. They invite you to shift the perspective.

However, because most of us have never been taught this about emotions, we come to war against the emotional reds. Instead of taking heed of the message we blame the actual states of depression and anxiety and believe ourselves cursed by them.

We numb, we avoid, we guilt ourselves for them and do anything or everything in our power to mask or remove them.

While it certainly isn't pleasant to experience red light emotions (and as mentioned, there is good reason for this as it aims to wake us up), they are vital to our growth and transformation.

For how could you possibly know you desired more freedom unless you felt trapped? How could you possibly know you desired more connection unless you felt lonely?

In this way, discernment of our purpose and creative core can only be made clear through the emotional reds. And in this way the reds serve us deeply.

Going to war against them, trying to punish ourselves for feeling them, or rejecting them entirely is likened to accusing the messenger that has come to tell you the house has caught fire - it makes little to no sense.

Rather, the key is to develop the emotional skills to receive the communication when it shows up, and take the action required to shift them around.

While there are many ways to achieve this, it's important that ultimately what we desire is expanded emotional greens UNCONDITIONAL of external circumstances.

If you NEED a romantic partner in your life in order to feel loved, then you will be left drifitng at sea the moment a relationship ends and right back at square one.

If you NEED a big fat bank account in order to feel secure, then you will feel deeply confused and insecure the moment money goes out of sight.

Depending on external circumstances to feel a certain way will make for a very bumpy ride in life. Detaching your emotional states from the outside world is KEY to creating the life of your dreams - because again, our reality mirrors our thoughts, we lead the way and we must be sovereign in our states.

To learn more about HOW to create this internal shift, unconditional of external circumstances grab your copy of Magic Source Codes today >>

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