Why you don't have a seven figure business (yet!)
“Prioritise the emotional skills first, and you'll be well on your way to that BIG value exchange.” -
The reason you don’t have the seven figure business you dream of isn’t because of your intellect, worthiness, strategy, or audience size.
Rather, it’s because you’re not emotionally prepared to HOLD that kind of business (yet).
Because here’s the truth, making millions - and sustaining those numbers - isn’t just happy rainbows and butterflies, cotton candy clouds in the sky.
It requires the ability to handle:
Client chargebacks, cancellations, or dishonoured payments
Which may still be at an acceptable %, but the more you grow, the more customers you have, and naturally the more this will take place. If you get depressed every single time a client is unhappy, every time a client ends a contract, or is late paying an invoice, how tf you gonna handle that x10???
Trolls and haters
And people who will post nasty things about you on Reddit just because (even though they never bought from you or met you irl). A bigger value exchange means more visibility. Until you have fully ACCEPTED and learned to ignore the inner critic, you won’t be able to handle the critics outside of yourself….
Plagiarism or people swiping offers or products almost verbatim.
If you get up in arms every time you inspire someone SO MUCH THAT THEY COPY YOU, if you go into emotional reds because of fake IG accounts popping up, if you get ANGRY every time a rip-off platform tries to pass off your courses or offers at a fraction of the price… Then I’m sorry to say, you won’t be able to hold the millions. This is part of the play. If people copy you, be grateful you inspired them, if people rip your offers off - be impressed that you even hit their radars (doesn't mean you can't legally mitigate this, but if you're in reds about it all, business growth will lead to your downfall)...
Setting boundaries
Clients or staff reaching out at all hours of the day demanding your immediate attention. If you don’t know how to set proper boundaries this will quickly lead to BURNOUT.
Unwavering Confidence in Offers
Clients who - no matter what you throw at them - just don’t get the results you’re after and the drop in confidence that ultimately comes from this. Regardless of how good you are at what you do, there will always be some who won’t succeed, if you begin to doubt yourself every time this happens, guess what, growth will stall too.
Receiving BIG Money in Green
The ability to receive more $$$ without the burning itch to DO MORE, to feel guilty about it or make yourself busy for the sake of busyness so you can feel worthy of it.
I could go on and on. As I said, it’s not all rainbows and powder puffs.
A million dollar business requires high emotional IQ - resilience, courage, confidence and self acceptance - these trump strategy any day.
And if any of the above scenarios made you feel uncomfortable or stirred up fears in any way, well - that's the reason why you don't have the business you aspire to (yet).
Prioritise the emotional skills first, and you'll be well on your way to that BIG value exchange.